Inspire your mind and open your heartfeatured

The heart opener pose helps you to relax in a way that allows your chest to expand and your shoulders to soften. This position is wonderful for individuals who work at the computer or sit at a desk all day. There are different levels to set-up this pose. The example above is on a medium setting and can be adjusted to a higher setting depending on your comfort and flexibility. 


Begin by setting up two blocks on medium setting with the first block placed parallel to the top of your mat. The second block is placed about six inches below the top block in a vertical position such that your forming a letter T.  Sit in front of your blocks and slowly laydown. The lower portion of your head (occiput) can rest on the first block.  Align your back to the second block so that it fits comfortably between the edges of your shoulder blades. Close your eyes and breathe for a few cycles. Let go of any outside distractions and focus your mind on your breathing. Draw your attention to your chest. Visualize a ball of warmth emitting from your heart. Feel the loving energy as it flows through you. Know that you are safe, loved and appreciated. You can end your meditation with a few positive affirmations:

  • I am worthy
  • I love myself
  • I am loved
  • I am deserving of fulfilling relationships

How do you feel? Do you feel loved? Inspired?

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